Monthly and Honor / Memorial Donations
Monthly Donations
Monthly recurring gifts are simple at Concert Singers of Cary and are set up via the “Donate Now” button.
Giving consistently helps us allocate and use our resources wisely and also allows you to easily contribute to your favorite organization with an important, meaningful gift.
Every and any amount gifted is truly appreciated.
Monthly gifts can be cancelled or adjusted at any time via PayPal or by simply emailing or calling 910-242-4314 .
Honor or Memorial Gifts
Did you know you can make a donation to the Concert Singers in honor of or in memory of your favorite people and pets? Tribute gifts are a wonderful way to honor or memorialize a cherished pet or loved one, commemorate a special occasion (such as a wedding or anniversary) and directly support the beautiful choral music you and your family love.
At your request, we will send a card notifying others of your thoughtfulness. Your donation amount will not be disclosed to the card recipient.
When you make your donation on PayPal, simply fill in the “notes” section and indicate if this is an Honor or Memorial Donation. Please include the the name(s) and mailing address of your honoree(s). A card will be sent letting them know of your thoughtful donation (no amount is mentioned). You may also include this information when mailing a check via the instructions below.
Concert Singers of Cary IRS Form 990 available upon request. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
I'd like to donate now
Or mail your contribution check, payable to Concert Singers of Cary, to the address below.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
Please contact me about donation options
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
The Concert Singers of Cary
Cary Arts Center
101 Dry Avenue
Cary, NC 27511-3312
The Concert Singers of Cary have earned a Silver Seal from Candid.
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We're a proud member of the Cary Chamber of Commerce, Chorus America, The Heart of Cary Association, and ArtsNC.