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Playbill Advertising

We would love to share your business message with our patrons during our concert year. For a modest price, you can reserve an attractive display advertisement in the digital programs used at all our concerts. Our audiences come from all walks of life, but our research indicates we do especially well in attracting upscale customers age 40-60.

Our concert season typically runs from November through May, and advertising copy and graphics for programs are due in October each year. We offer half-page and full-page ads at very reasonable rates.

For more information about playbill advertising, please contact Pam Miller at

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

The Concert Singers of Cary
Cary Arts Center
101 Dry Avenue
Cary, NC 27511-3312


The Concert Singers of Cary have earned a Silver Seal from Candid.

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We're a proud member of the Cary Chamber of Commerce, Chorus America, The Heart of Cary Association, and ArtsNC.