Holiday Pops on the Town

A virtual event!



About This Program

CSC presented Holiday Pops on the Town, a virtual production of our holiday classic, centered in and around the Town of Cary. We celebrated the season with an array of holiday tunes and an audience sing-along, as the event was livestreamed to the community.

We had a great time doing Holiday Pops, and you can watch the video of this event here or on our YouTube channel or our Facebook page.

Some excerpts from the livestream:


Livestreamed — enjoy from your home!


Saturday, December 12, 2020


Concert Singers of Cary

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

The Concert Singers of Cary
Cary Arts Center
101 Dry Avenue
Cary, NC 27511-3312


The Concert Singers of Cary have earned a Silver Seal from Candid.

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We're a proud member of the Cary Chamber of Commerce, Chorus America, The Heart of Cary Association, and ArtsNC.