Concert Singers of Cary is accepting applications for its annual Fuller Blunt Memorial Scholarship. Fuller Blunt was a music lover and one of the co-founders of Concert Singers.

The scholarship is awarded to a graduating North Carolina high school senior who has been accepted and is entering a college or university as a music major. It is a one-time award of $1,000 paid directly to the college of choice at the beginning of the academic year.

Please feel free to share this information with any students who may be interested in applying.

More information, including application instructions and a list of previous winners can be found on our website here. The application deadline is April 30, 2024 and the scholarship will be announced June 1, 2024

Please contact if you have any questions.

The Concert Singers of Cary
Cary Arts Center
101 Dry Avenue
Cary, NC 27511-3312


The Concert Singers of Cary have earned a Silver Seal from Candid.

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We're a proud member of the Cary Chamber of Commerce, Chorus America, The Heart of Cary Association, and ArtsNC.