Our Holiday Pops program is chock-full of favorite seasonal hits, many with sparkling jazz renditions. Top that off with a terrific guest soloist (Kathleen Jasinkas) and it’s a concert you don’t want to miss.
Tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students (Pre-K to 12) and are on sale at The Cary Theater in downtown Cary and online. Get more details here.
P.S. Wondering about the picture above? We’re so excited about the program that we created a mash-up from the song titles! Can you guess any of them? (Extra credit if you guess the “regifted” song.)
The Concert Singers of Cary
Cary Arts Center
101 Dry Avenue
Cary, NC 27511-3312
The Concert Singers of Cary have earned a Silver Seal from Candid.
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We're a proud member of the Cary Chamber of Commerce, Chorus America, The Heart of Cary Association, and ArtsNC.